19 August 2009, 22:00

List of casualties of Nazran terror act has now 25 persons

As reported by Ruslan Tsechoev, deputy chairman of the government of Ingushetia, who gave the latest data, the terror act at the building of the GOVD in Nazran 25 persons were lost.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that the terror act at the Nazran GOVD took place on August 17 at 9:00 a.m.

"According to the latest updated information, 14 casualties have been identified. Besides, now 11 unidentified bodies are in the mortuary," the "Interfax-South" quotes Mr Tsechoev as saying.

In his turn, Alexander Bastrykin, Chairman of the Investigatory Committee at the Prosecutor's Office (ICPO), said that the FSB possesses data on the organizers of the terror act in Nazran. According to his story, "these are the same persons from among the bandit underground, who organized such terror acts in recent years." Mr Bastrykin has emphasized that it is too early yet to give names.

He said that now inspectors are interrogating the victims and eyewitnesses, more than 1000 persons in total, the "Gazeta.Ru" writes.

As reported by Vakha Chapanov, director of the Ingush Information Agency "Maximum", to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent, a human head was found in the place of the terror act; "it is assumed that it could be the head of the terrorist." He also assumed that there were two terrorists, since somebody was shooting from the van, when it moved.

President Dmitri Medvedev said that the terror act could have been prevented, as a couple of days prior to the tragedy a signal arrived to the militia about preparation of an act of terror, and the hijacked "Gazel" van, which was subsequently blown up, was in search.

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